
Getting Started

Basic Concepts of ModulateCSS

ModulateCSS leverages foundational web design principles, enhancing web projects for efficiency, maintainability, and scalability. It combines semantic HTML with cutting-edge CSS, underpinned by core design principles, to create a cohesive ecosystem for responsive web development.

What it is: ModulateCSS is a modern design framework that integrates semantic HTML, cutting-edge CSS techniques, and fundamental design principles to produce efficient, scalable, and maintainable web designs. It facilitates the creation of responsive layouts and dynamic theming through CSS custom properties, emphasizing structural clarity and a clear separation of concerns. ModulateCSS supports advanced CSS features like Grid, Flexbox, and container queries, structured in logical, layered CSS for clarity and scalability.

What it is not: ModulateCSS is not a rigid, one-size-fits-all solution; it's designed for flexibility and adaptability. It isn't a utility-first CSS framework that relies heavily on utility classes. Nor is it a static framework; it's built to be adaptable to changes in the web development landscape. It’s not limited to traditional browser support, as it embraces a forward-looking approach to browser compatibility based on market share insights and the Baseline standard. ModulateCSS isn't neglectful of accessibility or SEO; it places a strong emphasis on both through semantic HTML and thoughtful design.

Core Design Principles

Separation of Concerns

ModulateCSS organizes web design into clear structural, presentational, and behavioral segments. By reducing reliance on utility classes and promoting structural clarity, it facilitates easier maintenance and scalable designs, which are crucial in complex systems.

Parametric Design

The framework intelligently uses custom CSS properties to enable dynamic theming and responsive adaptability. This approach streamlines theme management and supports responsive designs that adapt to different conditions.

Structural Clarity and API-Centric Design

Emphasizing a clear separation between style and structure, ModulateCSS integrates seamlessly with HTML structures, making it adaptable to changes in the API-driven web development landscape. This helps in creating user-centric designs that are ready to evolve.

Semantic HTML Integration

Semantic HTML is central to ModulateCSS, enhancing both accessibility and SEO. By using tags that clearly define their content, ModulateCSS improves the navigability of web applications, making them more intuitive for both users and search engines.

<!-- Using semantic HTML for better accessibility and SEO -->
        <h1>Blog Post Title</h1>
        <p>Published on <time datetime="2024-01-01">January 1, 2024</time></p>
        <p>Content of the blog post...</p>

Advanced CSS Techniques

ModulateCSS incorporates advanced CSS standards, including Grid, Flexbox, and dynamic selectors like :has and :is. It also utilizes structured CSS layers, ensuring design portability across different technology stacks and enhancing the clarity and scalability of the CSS architecture.

@layer reset, base, layout, colors, typography, primitives, pages, modules, widgets, themes;
/* Organized CSS layers ensure clarity and scalability, enhancing design portability across different technology stacks. */
/* Using CSS Custom Properties and Grid Layout */
@layer base {
    :root {
        /* Responsive typography using 'clamp()' for fluid scaling and 'calc()' 
        for custom calculations, leveraging the latest CSS capabilities */
        --fs: clamp(var(--fs-min), calc(CALCULATION), var(--fs-max));
    .header {
        /* Responsive grid layout using CSS Grid, demonstrating 
        advanced layout techniques with 'auto-fill' and 'minmax()' */
        display: grid;
        grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(250px, 1fr));
        /* CSS nesting is now supported by all major browsers, 
        simplifying rulesets by scoping child selector styles within a parent */
        &:has(h1, h2, h3) > p:first-of-type {
            /* Apply text transformation to the first paragraph following 
            a header, utilizing the ':has()' pseudo-class for contextual styling */
            text-transform: uppercase;
        & > h1 {
            /* Dynamic font sizing for 'h1' using a custom property 
            defined at the root level, showcasing the power of CSS variables */
            font-size:  var(--fs);
            --fs-min:   16;
            --fs-max:   20;
    /* Container queries, a modern CSS feature, allow styles to 
    adapt based on the container's width, independent of the viewport size */
    @container (min-width: 500px) {
        .header {
            grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(300px, 1fr));

Design Element Separation

ModulateCSS distinctly handles typography, layout, and colors, which allows for flexibility and coherence in web designs. This separation fosters a deeper understanding of each element, enhancing the overall user experience and allowing designers to craft more engaging and harmonious digital environments.

Enhancing Design Consistency and Flexibility

The framework ensures consistency across a brand’s digital presence while providing flexibility to adapt and experiment within each design domain. This strategic separation not only promotes innovation but also aligns with best practices in accessibility, usability, and brand consistency.

Organizational Strategies and Scalability

ModulateCSS adopts a methodical approach to CSS organization that is crucial for managing large-scale projects efficiently. By structuring styles in logical layers and embracing a modular file structure, the framework significantly enhances maintainability and scalability. This clear, organized approach allows for styles to be segregated by their function—whether they pertain to pages, modules, or widgets—streamlining both development and updates.

Key Elements of Organizational Strategy

Example of ModulateCSS’s Organizational Approach

HTML Example
<!-- Example of a module with specific marketing content -->
<section class="module-marketing-image-beside-text-1">
CSS Layering Example
@layer module {
    .module-marketing-image-beside-text-1 {
        & > header {}
Modular File Structure Example
├── modules/
│   ├── module-marketing-image-beside-text-1.css 
│   └── ...
└── widgets/
    └── ...

This streamlined approach not only ensures that styles are easy to update and manage but also supports the dynamic needs of modern web development environments, allowing ModulateCSS to remain robust and flexible.

Emphasizing Design Portability

The design methodology of ModulateCSS remains agnostic to the underlying technology stack, ensuring that styles are portable and can be seamlessly integrated across various front-end technologies.

Browser Support

Ensuring compatibility with various web browsers is crucial for delivering a seamless user experience. ModulateCSS is designed with a focus on leveraging modern web standards and high performance, aiming for broad compatibility while maintaining accessibility.

Supported Browsers

In line with the newly introduced Baseline standard, ModulateCSS supports the most recent versions of core browsers that have demonstrated stable support for web features across two major versions. This approach is grounded in ensuring that developers have a reliable and consistent baseline for web development. The supported browsers include:

This strategy not only covers the vast majority of web users but also leverages the latest advancements in web features, optimization, and security, ensuring that ModulateCSS remains at the forefront of web development.

Market Share Insights

Our browser support strategy is informed by market share analytics, aiming to cater to the broadest possible user base while prioritizing browsers that align with the Baseline standard. We focus on browsers that account for more than a 1% market share in key regions, thus ensuring our framework's wide compatibility and relevance.

Unsupported Browsers

To uphold our commitment to security, performance, and the adoption of modern web capabilities, we have streamlined our support to exclude browsers that do not align with the Baseline standard or present known security and compatibility challenges. This list includes:

This policy allows us to concentrate our efforts on platforms that provide superior security, performance, and overall user experiences.

Forward-Looking Approach

Our browser support strategy is dynamic and responsive to the evolving web standards, browser usage trends, and user feedback. ModulateCSS is committed to staying aligned with the Baseline standard, which ensures that as web features become universally supported across the core set of browsers, they are integrated into our framework.

By focusing on up-to-date browsers and excluding outdated ones, we streamline development processes and boost the security and efficiency of projects built with ModulateCSS.

Configuration for Browserslist

To configure your project's browser compatibility aligned with the Baseline standard, use the following .browserslistrc configuration or create a custom browser set on caniuse.com:

> 1% in primary
last 3 chrome versions
last 3 edge versions
last 3 safari versions
last 3 firefox versions
last 3 ios_saf versions
last 3 and_chr versions
last 3 and_ff versions
not ie > 0
not opera > 0
not and_qq > 0
not baidu > 0
not kaios > 0
not and_uc > 0
not samsung > 0
not op_mini > 0
not op_mob > 0
not android > 0

This configuration ensures that ModulateCSS aligns with the most stable, secure, and widely adopted web standards, as defined by the Baseline initiative, optimizing cross-browser functionality and user experience.